ホーム > Vinyl > V.A. - Intensified! Original Ska 1962-1966 [LP]
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V.A. - Intensified! Original Ska 1962-1966 [LP]
試聴1 試聴2 試聴3 試聴4 試聴5 試聴6 [Condition]Record : B / Jacket : B UK老舗名門レーベルIsland傘下のMangoからの人気スカ・コンピレーション。Roland Alphonsoの渋みのサックスに痺れるA1にEric Morrisの朗らかチューン「Solomon Gundie」、The Charmsの人気曲「Carry Go Bring Come」、The Skatalites、The Maytalsまで収録した全16曲。 A1 Roland Alphonso - El Pussy Cat(試聴1) A2 Eric Morris - Solomon Gundie(試聴2) A3 Baba Brooks - Teenage Ska(試聴3) A4 The CharmsCarry - Go Bring Come(試聴4) A5 Baba Brooks - Duck Soup A6 Shenley Duffus - Rukumbine A7 Don Drummond + Drumbago - Stampede A8 The Skatalites - Independent Anniversary Ska(試聴5) B1 The Maytals - John + James(試聴6) B2 Tommy McCook - Rocket Ship B3 Stranger Cole - We Are Rolling B4 Roland Alphonso - James Bond B5 Derrick + Patsy - Housewifes Choice B6 Don Drummond - University Goes Ska B7 Eric Morris - Penny Reel B8 Justin Hines - The Higher The Monkey Climbs